4 week Spring Series at St. Rose


Quick Checkout


Important Notices:
  • The student must be enrolled at St. Rose Grammar School in order to register for this after-school enrichment program.
  • Each individual series is limited to the first 10 students who register.
  • Aspiring Artists® cannot offer refunds if a student is absent from class.
Class Description:
  • Reserve your seat in the new spring series of Aspiring Artists® that will feature both French and American Impressionism!
  • This spring, classes for grades 1-6, will be divided in order to have smaller class sizes and more individualized attention.
  • Grades 1-2 will meet for four weeks, and then grades 3-6 will meet separately for four weeks.
  • Both series are exactly the same, and the specific dates are listed below.
  • Each series is limited to 10 students to allow for individualized attention.
Students will create their own renditions of the following paintings:
  • first week: Inness’ Spring Blossoms (American Impressionism)
  • second week: Renoir’s Chestnut Tree in Bloom (detail only)
  • third week: Monet’s Effect of Spring at Giverny
  • fourth week: Hassam’s Ocean View (American Impressionism)
Class location & pickup:
  • Dates:
    • Grades 1-2 series: Tuesdays, March 4-25
    • Grades 3-6 series: Tuesdays, May 20-June 10
  • Time: 2:20-4:00pm (directly after school)
  • Location: St. Rose Grammar School- second floor art room
  • Pick up: Instructor will bring students to the main lobby of St. Rose at 4pm. Please pick up your child at the front door of St. Rose at 4pm, unless your child is attending St. Rose aftercare.
Class materials:
  • Acrylic paint and heavy card stock paper are used.
Class preparation:
  • Please bring a medium sized box, such as a pizza box, to transport the wet painting home.
  • Acrylic paints stain clothes so please provide a smock that will fully protect the school uniform from paint stains. Fitted plastic smocks provide the best protection.